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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1193c160.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  309KB  |  609x834  |  8-bit (232 colors)
Labels: sky | skyscraper | vegetarianism
OCR: THE MONEY RANKINGS NAME 1993 NON HNME 1 833 rte Pish lenel Laesl Lavel Wordward JInleutetiale Bord KEystin Anerica suilal Suith EnEedan Sht Workin 'Assats Citirers hane KEySTENI Arevica CaitalPres.I1 Staperoich Gimit Mie Aript Total Relun Keysan Institutirng Arjustatle Bate Stageenach Iariatle Hale Kidder r Peatodt Adustabe Rate Stnnnerita Fedaral Sucuniltes Kidder Pratoth Govarnent Inconer SinAnerics Goverarent lane MORTGAGEHBACXED Leingtm GHNA LIntomt Thembiars Linited Teom CATEGOSY AVERAGI Eliterty finemrient IhE Adjustabla Rate U.5. Gemtes Mortgay SaCTitAS Vatkerave Adjustabla U.5 GevemWEM Trarsinoric Aljustaile djustrhi RaTE Goverarrer Taraters Tnitemeliale Hitegs Tmnsanerica Uiuslehle JS Morigage Sialegrh MhS Morigaga Pur Adiestetle anEI Straltyr Irid Adjustianle Rale! T.RONt Price G ...